We have had some questions regarding tattoos, and I more will certainly come. We even have a tag: tattoo. It might be useful to have a general tattoo question that we could refer new users to. If a new user looking for a tattoo translation has done more of their homework, the question will more focused on the crucial points and more useful for the OP. I was thinking something along these lines:
Suppose I want to get a tattoo in Latin. How can I go about translating a phrase from English to Latin, or having it translated for me? If I get a suggestion from someone (a friend, Google Translate, someone online), how can I verify that it's valid Latin? I want anything written on my skin to be right, but I don't quite know what to trust. Any hints for getting started with finding a suitable Latin text for a tattoo would be great.
The question is pretty broad on the one hand, but on the other hand it doesn't go too deep. I would not be opposed to having a question like this. It could attract users and with good answers it would be something we could refer new users to. And most importantly, I hope it would be genuinely useful for some people — that's what the site is for. Some SE sites have canonical versions of common questions for the sake of having a well-written reference for duplicates and links. The question would be about using Latin, although not very specific, so I certainly think it would be better for main than meta.
(I'm not thinking of a tattoo myself. The question would be there to help others do so if they want.)
What do you think? Would something in this direction be useful? How should it be worded? Feel free to disagree!